"Attract what you expect, Reflect what you desire, Become what you respect, Mirror what you admire"
The mirror has become my best friend. I reflect every morning and set my intentions, with the belief that they will align itself with my purpose. I have changed my world with the words I've chosen to speak while looking at myself, in conversation with others about my life and business. I have become the artist of my destiny who creates a new masterpiece, in every moment, with each word I profess into the wind. My legacy has great meaning. I had to journey to get here, but I have arrived!
I use to admire others in their journey, I still do; but I admire myself more.
I kept a storage of limiting beliefs in my mind. I use to be the "I can't; I wish'd" type of women who lacked real vision for myself until I did some real mental housecleaning. I looked great on the outside, hell, I helped everyone on their journey and gave light to their life, but I didn't do it for mine. I was secondary, when I should have been primary. When I looked in the mirror, I called myself every name in the book, except beautiful, amazing, intelligent, and purposeful.Yes, the cleansing part was painful, but it needed to be done. Everything that everyone spoke into my journey, I believed them and made agreements without really knowing what I was doing. I searched for myself, my inner child and I found me by forgiving myself for making agreements with what people spoke into my life, I forgave them, and my past.
If the thoughts I inherited along the way didn't serve me, I let it go. Louise Hay's book: You can heal your life, taught me that. My mirror became my everything.
I stop being an enabler. I put a halt at stopping for everyone and being their "superwoman" in THEIR journey and started rescuing myself. I didn't stop loving them, but I wanted to become the woman I respected and loved and not feel bad about it.
No, became my new YES and I was okay with the backlash I received. I stopped agreeing with them and chose me. The 4 agreements: by don Miguel Ruiz saved my life. I stopped taking things personally, stopped making agreements, stopped speaking against myself and always gave the very best version of myself in every moment. I love this about me, and I am not sorry.
The best part was, God kept stopping for me, through other people who I give thanks for, daily.
It was written; "to thine own self be true", I had to start honoring myself.
I began attracting every desire my heart cried out for and more. I had to love myself before I could attract financial abundance, love and blessings. Yes, we say we love ourselves, but what are we really telling ourselves when we are alone, in the mirror? Every negative thought gets magnified to the 10th power once it leaves your lips and or mind. Be mindful of that.
I had to strive to be rich on the inside before I could be rich on the outside. We all journey differently and when we become conscious and or become clear of our path, we are held responsible for our legacy.
Instead of complaining, try saying thank you in its place. Magnify that! When you get in front of the mirror, speak great things or imagine greatness in your life, you will become it. Your life will start to pivot and shift in ways you'd never imagine. You're reflection will be amazing. You will admire yourself and respect the person you are becoming without the baggage of limiting beliefs. You deserve it. - Thanks for pausing for me and for yourself!
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